Mindfulness Meditation and Placebo Modulate Distinct Neural Signatures to Reduce Pain

Facebook Mindfulness meditation, which has been used for pain management in various cultures for centuries, has long been thought to work by activating the placebo response. Now new research demonstrates that its effectiveness actually comes from engaging distinct brain mechanisms to reduce pain compared with those of the placebo response. The research, published in Biological Psychiatry (2024: S0006-3223[24]01556-7), […]

How to Keep Muscles Strong as You Age

Facebook Almost everyone shrinks with old age. Many older adults have more difficulty gaining muscle than they did in their childhood and teenage years. And when it comes to maintaining that muscle, the phrase “use it or lose it” holds weight, says Michelle Gray, a physiologist and professor of exercise at the University of Arkansas. […]

Metabolic Abnormalities Boost Obesity-Related Cancer Risk

Facebook In one of the first studies to examine this phenomenon, metabolically unhealthy obesity is associated with an increased risk, of around 1.5-fold higher, of any obesity-related cancer, and an even higher risk, of two- to threefold higher, for specific cancers, such as endometrial, liver, and renal cell cancers, compared with metabolically healthy normal weight.  […]