- Medical Pain and Spine Care
Peptides: A promising alternative to opioids for chronic pain relief
A novel peptide for pain relief
The researchers developed a novel peptide molecule that could prevent endocytosis to reduce the hyperactivity of these pain neurons and thereby minimise pain perception. “This novel peptide molecule is a lipidated endocytic dileucine sequence found in the human CD4 protein known to bind to the AP2 complex at the sigma/alpha-subunit interface,” explained Powell. The team modified the endocytic motif by adding an N-terminal myristoyl group to increase its lipophilicity. This modification allows for the peptide to embed into the membrane of cells and enter the cell through a ‘flip-flop’ mechanism. We offer this service. Call us to learn how it could help you. To find out more go to drugtargetreview.com
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